Thank You For Visiting Our Blog, FEEL BETTER AND LIVE LONGER!

The purpose of our blog is to share what we have learned about nutrition, weight loss, fitness, and health, in order to help you find ways to feel better and live longer. It is amazing how much our diet and lifestyle affect our health and well-being.

Did you know that you can reduce your risk and even prevent many diseases and health conditions simply by making some changes to your diet? Check back often for valuable tips and information.


For the first time in my life I have found weight loss success. During my adult life I have tried dozens and dozens of so-called "diets" and none of them worked over the long-haul. Oh, I was able to lose weight with some of them, but once I went off of the "diet" I quickly gained back all of my weight (plus some).

I have finally learned that losing weight has to be a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix. Crash diets and all the other crazy diets will not only cause you to fail, they are harmful to your health. To lose weight and keep it off you must NOT go on a "diet." What? Why? Because we all consider a "diet" a temporary thing. For example, how many times have you said, "Oh, I will go on this low-fat diet until I lose 20 pounds." Okay, what happens after you lose the 20 pounds? Or you simply give up? You go back to your old habits and gain that 20 pounds back.

The only way you will ever be successful at losing weight, with the added benefit of improving your health, is to make healthy changes that you can live with for the rest of your life. Period. Not for a week, a month or 3 months, but for life. For me, my initial goal was to lower my cholesterol level. I had to have a blood test for my insurance coverage and my cholesterol level had to be lower than the previous year's levels or I would have to pay a much higher premium. Well, that was a pretty good incentive for me make some positive changes.

I sat down and figured out what I needed to do. I knew I had to change the way I ate and I knew I had to exercise in some form or other every day. So, I made a list and I stuck to it. It was difficult at first. To make matters worse, I am a compulsive eater. However, as the days went by, it became much easier because my body stopped craving sweets and processed foods. For the first time in my life, I was never tempted to binge because I never felt deprived.

Use the list below and make whatever changes you need to make in order for it to work for you. FYI, my cholesterol level dropped 65 points after 7 weeks, and my triglycerides dropped 70 points!
Another benefit that I hadn't planned on was that after being an insomniac since my teen-age years, I now sleep like a baby every night!


1. Avoid "white" Foods & Processed Foods.
These foods have no nutritional value and are "empty" calories. Sweets, anything made with white flour,and anything that comes in a package with a long list of ingredients.
Always read the food labels. Stay away from those long lists of ingredients. The longer the list, the more chemicals and additives are present. These are extremely toxic to your body.

2. Drink Lots of
Water. Water keeps your body's organs hydrated and flushes out unhealthy toxins. It helps to fill you up and reduces your urge to over-eat.

3. Eat a Healthy Breakfast.
Instead of coffee and donuts, try fruit, yogurt, grains like oatmeal or whole grain toast, and lean protein. NEVER skip breakfast. By eating a large, healthy meal when you get up in the morning, your metabolism will "rev up" and you will not be hungry by mid-morning. If you skip breakfast, your
body will go into starvation mode and store calories in your body as FAT, yes FAT! So do yourself a big favor and eat breakfast.

4. Reduce Your Stress Level.
So many of us live with too much
stress. Stress lowers your immune system, making it easier to get sick. It also makes us lethargic, tired, and depressed. There are a lot of simple things you can do and a lot of ways to feel better about yourself and your life. Take a long, hot bath, read a book, listen to music, get a massage. Do something nice for yourself. Giving yourself something to look forward to is a tremendous mental incentive.

5. Move!
Oh my gosh! There are so many ways to incorporate movement into your day, even at work. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Get up every hour and walk around your floor, your hallway or your desk. Park your car in the farthest space from where you need to be. Walk or bike to work. Skate, dance, golf, jump rope, clean house, play tag. The best exercise you can do is to walk. Try to take a walk every day! The more you move, the more your metabolism will be your friend. (I walk 3 miles every day whether it is raining, snowing or freezing.)

Finding Peace

 When you are at peace with yourself, you have a calm, steady feeling of contentment and satisfaction. In spite of whatever problems or unpleasantness you may have experienced or are currently facing, you are glad to be alive and know that you are where you need to be.

If you do not feel at peace with yourself for whatever reason(s), you can change that. You do not need to be stuck with feelings of discouragement, despair, anger, resentment, or sadness. You, and only you, are responsible for your own happiness; not your spouse, children, boss, or friends.

You are in charge of your emotional and mental destiny. Finding peace is all about learning how to undo the negative feelings to find long-term peace and contentment.


*Accept yourself. When you accept yourself as you are with all of your weaknesses, strengths, skills and talents, you will create a feeling of peace within yourself.

*NEVER judge yourself. You will always come up short because you will always be too hard on yourself. No one is perfect!

*Be active. The more you move your body, the more feel-good endorphins you release. You will feel better mentally, emotionally and physically. Take a walk every day.

*Be grateful. List everything in your life you are thankful for. As you practice gratitude, you will find that your thoughts of love and abundance intensify your feelings of inner peace.

*Release the past. You cannot change the past. If past memories are painful for you, release those memories and forgive yourself and/or others. Otherwise, you can never move on with your life and move into inner healing and peace.


What makes YOU happy? What do YOU enjoy doing? What are YOU good at? Think of the activities that YOU enjoy the most, not your family or your friends.  Ultimately, if you are not happy, then those who love you will not be happy either because they see your pain and sadness.

Allow yourself the freedom to indulge in the things that give you pleasure. By giving yourself permission to engage in these activities, you are enhancing your feelings of satisfaction, achievement and success. You will raise your self-respect and your sense of worth.

As time goes on and you continue to participate daily in activities that you enjoy, the more confident you will feel about your life and the decisions you make. Your life will become more pleasant and satisfying. Your family will notice the changes in you and respond in kind.

 Finding Peace, Happiness, and Joy

Feel Better

Everyone has times when they are discouraged, depressed, anxious or their life just sucks. For those times when you are feeling blue, remember, there are lots and lots of ways to feel better. Some of them are easy; some require a little more work. You simply need to make the effort!


Do you remember what it was like to have fun when you were a kid? I’ll bet it was simple things like playing outside with your friends, riding your bike, or drawing and coloring pictures. The simple things are the best things when it comes to having fun.

  1. Laugh. Laugh often. Laugh out loud.
  2. Take a walk.
  3. Go for a drive.
  4. Ride your bike.
  5. Play with your kids or grandkids.
  6. Play with your dog.
  7. Play a sport.
  8. Go swimming.
  9. Go roller-skating.
  10. Work in your garden.
  11. If you can’t go outside, watch movies.
  12. Listen to music you love.
  13. Read a good book.
  14. Try out some new recipes.
  15. Paint or draw a picture.
  16. Play board games with your family.
  17. Do puzzles, crosswords, or crafts.
  18. Play video games or email your friends.

Make your own list of all of the things you can think of that you enjoy doing. If you really try, you can come up with many, many things. Simply by making the list, you will start to cheer up and feel better.

The key to feeling better is to truly want to do whatever it takes to change how you feel right now. It requires time, effort and energy. The reward is the experience of feeling happiness again.


Hemorrhoids, or piles, are swollen blood vessels around the anus. Any obstructions or increase of pressure in these blood vessels can cause hemorrhoids. There are two types of hemorrhoids, external and internal.

External hemorrhoids: This type of hemorrhoids is seen outside the anal opening and is covered by skin. It is black or brown in color. It is very painful due to the rich nerve supply in this area.

Internal hemorrhoids: Located inside the anal canal and internal to the anal orifice. It is covered by mucous membrane and is red or purple in color. These are painless.

Sometimes internal and external hemorrhoids can occur at the same time.


Hemorrhoids occur only in animals who maintain an erect posture. This is due to congestion in the rectal veins due to the effect of gravity.

*It is common in individuals who have chronic constipation.

*It is common in those who eat a lot of meat and spicy food.

*It is common during pregnancy due to compression of rectal veins by the uterus.


*Anal itching, anal ache or pain, especially while sitting or during bowel movements.

*Bleeding - Bright red blood on toilet tissue, stool, or in the toilet bowl.

*Protruding mass - In external hemorrhoids the swelling can be felt around the anal orifice. In case of internal hemorrhoids, initially it cannot be felt. When the disease progresses, they protrude during bowel movements and will go inside automatically. If the condition worsens, the protruded hemorrhoids will not go back into the anus.


Initially it is treated on the basis of symptoms. Constipation should be treated. If there is anemia, iron should be given. Homoeopathic medicines can give good results. Hemorrhoids can be removed surgically if no relief is found from other treatments.


*Eat a high fiber diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains.

*Avoid excessive intake of meat and spicy food.

*Drink lots of water.

*Maintain regular bowel habits.

*Take treatment for constipation.

Stretch Marks

Skin does not bounce back if it's been stretched by rapid growth. Stretch marks, or striae, are lesions that tend to form in the dermis during periods of hormonal flux, with weight gain or loss, pregnancy, and other periods of hormonal change. When our body's elastic fibers deep beneath the epidermis become damaged, these scars can appear.

Women often tend to get them on their breasts, thighs, hips, abdomen, arms, around the belly button, buttocks, and back. This is especially true during puberty and pregnancy when a rapid onset of marks can appear. Initially they may be red, but as the redness fades, they may turn white.


*Make sure your skin is always moist. This helps in stretching the skin and not tearing it.

*Eat healthy and stay in shape. This helps to keep off any excess weight.

*Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps keep the skin more flexible and healthy.


EXFOLIATION - Utilizing an exfoliation technique can minimize stretch marks. Get an over-the-counter exfoliation cream and apply this to the areas with stretch marks. This can help strip the dead skin color cells from the surface making sure that new skin tone can grow without having the appearance of scars anymore.

On the other hand, these stretch marks may not be completely removed simply because you have only treated the surface of the problem. If you need a cure that will reach the root of the problem then creams and oils can assist with this.

CREAMS: There are many lotions that claim to help prevent stretch marks. Natural creams use substances like cocoa butter, squalene oil, and/or aloe vera. These varieties of solutions penetrate into the dermis to stimulate the healing of tissues and also the production of collagen. You should also use creams and lotions with vitamins A and E in them.

LASER STRETCH MARK REMOVAL: This sort of procedure is best suited for skin scars that are newly formed. When the marks are already old, the treatment may not be capable of removing all of the scars. Laser therapy uses a controlled beam of laser that focuses on the affected region and breaks down scarred tissues making sure that once the scar tissues are gone, new collagen and skin tone cells will start to develop. Collagen helps keep the pores and skin tissues strong so that it will no longer break when stretched.
Skin Nutrition: Stretch Mark Cream with Shea Butter, Vitamin A, E, C and Added Skin Tightners (Professional Grade) 4 oz- **FREE SHIPPING** Ends 9/30/10

Bad Breath

Millions of people suffer from bad breath, either chronically or occasionally. The offensive odor from the mouth can be very unpleasant. What causes bad breath?


Poor oral hygiene:

If oral hygiene is not maintained properly, the mouth becomes a receptacle for bacteria that produces offensive gases by degrading food debris. Bad breath is more severe in those who do not brush their teeth regularly.

Bad breath is common in almost all people in the morning on waking. During sleep there is less production of saliva. Saliva has antibacterial properties that help to keep the mouth clean. Therefore, the reduction in its quantity during sleep makes a favorable condition for bacteria.

Food habits:

The main cause of bad smell is due to degradation of protein by the bacteria. All food products rich in protein increase bad breath. Meat, fish, milk products, eggs, sugar-laden foods, and coffee can also cause bad breath.

Some food articles can produce a particular type of smell that is unpleasant such as eating a raw onion or garlic. However, if proper, regular cleaning is done, the smell can be reduced irrespective of the nature of food.


There is a formation of a thin sticky coating called biofilm on the tongue and oral mucosa. This thick coating on the tongue is always associated with bad breath.


The gum is a mucus membrane with supporting connective tissue covering the tooth. The main function of the gum is protection. Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gum.

Due to various causes, gum tissue can get infected resulting in swelling, pain and discharge. This discharge can produce offensive smells.

Gum retraction:

When the gums retract from the teeth, a gap is developed that lodges food particles and causes bad breath.


Denture users may complain about a bad smell due to the lodging of small food debris between the dentures and the mouth. Regular cleaning of the dentures is vital to maintain an odor-free area.


Tobacco chewing is associated with bad breath. The smell of tobacco itself is unpleasant. Tobacco can irritate the mucus membrane and cause ulcers and coatings. Gingivitis and pyorrhea are common in tobacco chewers.


Smokers always have a bad smell. Smoking can also produce lesions in the mouth and lungs causing bad breath. Smoking increases carbon dioxide in the oral cavity and reduces the oxygen level, causing a favorable condition for bacteria.


Oral hygiene:

Mouth should be kept clean every time after eating to reduce the bacterial action. If you cannot brush your teeth every time after eating, gargle with lukewarm water. Brushing and flossing should be done twice daily.

Brushing techniques:

Normal brushing technique should be followed for best results. Do not brush too vigorously. It causes damage to the gums.

Tongue cleaning:

White or yellowish coating on the tongue can cause bad breath. This is more marked in the morning and should be removed twice daily with the help of a tongue cleaner. Tongue cleaner must be used gently.

Tooth pick:

A tooth pick is a small strip of wood or plastic with a pointed end. This is used to remove food particles lodged between the gaps. This is very useful after eating meat and fish. Use gently to avoid damage to gums.


After every meal, gargle with lukewarm water or with mouthwash. Different types of mouth wash are available. Gargling with mouthwash can also reduce bad breath.

Water intake:

Dryness in the mouth can make a favorable condition for bacterial activity resulting in bad odor. Saliva is needed to keep the mouth moist and to reduce bacterial proliferation. Production of saliva is closely related with water balance of the body. Sufficient quantity of water should be taken to maintain the production of saliva.

Mouth fresheners:

Natural and artificial mouth fresheners can reduce the intensity of bad breath to some extent. Chewing spices like clove, cinnamon, and ginger is useful. All citrus fruits can reduce bad odor.


Remove the cause:

Bad breath is common in some general and systemic diseases like diabetes, fevers, gastric disorders, and liver diseases. By removing or reducing the primary cause the bad breath will be eliminated.

Modern medicine:

If bad breath is due to an infection, taking antibiotics, anti-fungal or anti- viral medicines will help. If it is due to an autoimmune or chronic inflammatory condition, steroids may be used. Saliva producing tablets can also be used.

Dental cleaning:

Dental cleaning done by a dentist can remove the dental plaques and tartar. This can reduce the severity of bad breath. Visit your dentist at least once a year.

Filling of caries:

Since caries are one of the causes for bad breath they should be filled by a dentist. If the pulp cavity is affected by the caries, a root canal treatment can be done.

Tooth extraction:

If caries are deep, it can cause destruction of the teeth. This causes a bad smell. Extraction is the better choice and a dental implant can be kept in the gap.
The Ultimate Collection Of Tips To Rinse Out Bad Breath: Quick Facts On Bad Breath Causes And Bad Breath Treatment So You Can Get Rid Of Bad Breath Once ... And Have Fresh-Smelling Breath All The Time


If you are a procrastinator, you know how it can easily become a habit. Once it does, it erodes your capacity to function effectively. However, it can be a tough habit to break. With some honest self-assessment and an organized and attainable plan of attack, you can successfully overcome it.


Be gentle with yourself when you decide to kick your procrastination habit. It may be so ingrained within you that you don't fully recognize all the ways you actually procrastinate. Where to start?

Start out by taking a large or complicated task and breaking it down into smaller parts that you can accomplish more easily. It's important to remember that the most difficult tasks are really just a series of small tasks.


Make a verbal commitment to someone else about improving your time management skills and your desire to avoid procrastinating. Allow others to become involved in your efforts by reviewing your progress. This will help you set deadlines.

Evaluating your results can be very helpful. This will most likely create a commitment on your part to fulfill the expectations they've set for you.


Sit down and map out a plan to manage your time more effectively. When a deadline is looming, make sure you allot time each day to work on the project so it doesn't sneak up on you in the final hours or days. Learn to ask for help when you're feeling overwhelmed or overworked.


Reward yourself for good behavior and accomplished goals. Don't wait until you've accomplished the ultimate goal, but reward yourself for your successes along the way. Make sure the reward is something you like to do.

Treat yourself to the newest book by your favorite author and take the time to read it. Indulge in bubble baths or relaxing music. If you've gotten into the habit of working late, make sure you develop a new habit of going home on time each night.


By making a commitment to avoid procrastination, you'll soon be well on your way to finding more time in your life to do the things you enjoy. You will be more relaxed, more productive and less stressed.
Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do About It Now

Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a glandular organ present in males. It surrounds the neck of the bladder and the first part of the urethra and contributes a secretion to the semen. The gland is conical in shape. Since the first part of the urethra passes through the bladder, any lesion in the prostate will cause difficulty in passing urine.

Prostate cancer spreads quickly. Cancer of the prostate is directly linked with the male sex hormones. If the sex hormone levels increase, the growth rate of cancer also increases. After the removal of testes there is a marked reduction in the size of the tumor.

What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?

The signs and symptoms depend upon the stage of the cancer:

1) No symptoms – The tumor is small and only in the posterior lobe. This is diagnosed accidentally.

2) Slight difficulty in urination - The tumor is enlarged and the urethra is slightly compressed. Following this period there will be a frequent urge for urination with difficulty in urination.

3) When the tumor spreads to all nearby areas including the neck of the bladder and urethra, urination is painful with bleeding. Urine comes drop by drop.

4) Retention of urine - When the urethra is completely compressed there is retention of urine. This can lead to renal failure. In this condition, patient may have convulsions and slip into a coma.

Signs and Symptoms of Metastasis:

1) Back pain due to spread of cancer cells to the vertebrae.

2) Fracture of spine due to cancerous growth in the spine.

3) Swelling, pain and fluid collection in the abdomen due to lesions in the abdomen.

4) Respiratory complaints due to cancer of lymph nodes and lungs.

5) General weakness due to spread of cancer to different parts of the body.

Prostate Cancer Treatments:

1) Specific treatment is removal of prostate.

2) Dialysis is needed if there is kidney failure.

3) Hormone therapy

4) Chemotherapy

5) Radiation

6) Homoeopathy - Homoeopathic medicines can provide great relief and increase the life span.

7) Yoga and meditation

If you have any of the symptoms associate with prostate cancer, please see your doctor immediately. Early detection is vital.
Dr. Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer, Second Edition

Thyroid and Weight Loss

Is there a connection between your thyroid and weight loss? Yes. Your thyroid determines your body’s metabolic rate. Any malfunction or disease afflicting the thyroid directly affects your metabolism. You may gain weight, lose weight, or find that losing weight is more difficult than usual.

Hyperthyroidism, a condition causing an overactive thyroid, causes the metabolism to skyrocket. Because the metabolism is increased, you may lose weight even though you are eating more. Though this sounds great, it is actually hazardous to your health.

Some of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism are heart palpitations, nervousness, insomnia, fatigue, hair loss, trembling hands and weight loss. If you suspect you have hyperthyroidism, you should consult a doctor.

Hypothyroidism works in the opposite direction, slowing down metabolism causing the body to gain weight without increasing food intake. Like hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism causes a general weakness in the body. It too may need special treatment from a doctor and may cause serious health problems if left unattended.

The best way to lose weight is to limit calorie intake. However, many people who diet do not take into account the effect of their metabolism on their weight loss efforts. Since decreasing calorie intake causes weight loss, some people assume that cutting calories by extreme measures will cause quicker weight loss.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. While cutting calories helps weight loss, consuming too little calories pushes the body into starvation mode. The body’s metabolism slows down to adapt to the smaller amount of available energy. If your body enters this mode, it will work at such a slow metabolism that losing weight becomes impossible.

When your metabolism slows due to a drastic reduction in calories and you suddenly eat a calorie-filled meal, you gain more weight because of the sudden increased surplus of energy. This is why an imbalanced eating plan is not effective. The sudden loss and increase of calories will cause an imbalance in one’s energy consumption directly affecting fat deposit.

In the end it all comes down to math. If you consume more calories than your body needs, it will store those calories as fat. To reduce calories without slowing down metabolism, you must increase your body movement.

The most successful weight loss technique is calorie reduction combined with exercise. This way, the body does not slow its metabolism. Only then can weight loss occur. Try to incorporate some kind of physical movement for twenty minutes every day. The best way to burn fat is aerobic exercise and the best aerobic exercise is simple walking. Try it.
The Body Sense Natural Diet: Six Weeks to a Slimmer, Healthier You

Sensitive Teeth

Millions of people suffer from sensitive teeth, a condition that causes discomfort and pain that can make eating and drinking a nightmare. As a rule, this condition presents tooth pain after drinking cold liquid, eating hot or cold foods, or breathing cold air.

If the pain becomes too much to bear, you should immediately see your dentist, as the nerve of your tooth could be exposed. Sensitivity in the teeth starts when the gums begin to pull away from the teeth. The gums cover and protect the teeth’s roots. When the gums recede and pull away, the roots have no protection and are exposed.

The exposed root tips contain small tubules that lead directly to the nerves of the teeth. Whenever pressure, hot, or cold elements travel down the tubules, it will trigger the nerves and result in pain. Those who don’t have sensitive teeth will have their gums covering the tubules, preventing this type of pain.

The idea is to stop tooth sensitivity and keep the gums healthy. If you reduce the pressure you use when brushing your teeth, you’ll find that your gums will remain healthy. When taught to brush their teeth, most people are instructed to use a lot of force. This will tear at the gums, leading to sensitive teeth.

Even if you have sensitive teeth, there are ways you can improve your gums and your teeth. The first thing you should do is start using an electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes clean your teeth without exerting pressure. This prevents you from brushing your teeth too hard.

For toothpastes, there are several on the market that contain potassium nitrate that reduce pain and discomfort associated with sensitivity. Although there are several to choose from, Sensodyne is recommended by dentists as the best because it affects the nerve of the tooth and stops the pain where it starts.

Mouthwash can also help tooth sensitivity, providing it contains fluoride. ACT Restoring Anticavity Fluoride Mouthwash is the #1 dentist recommended mouthwash. It not only kills bad breath germs, it strengthens enamel to prevent tooth decay and restores essential minerals to weak spots. (This mouthwash is amazing. I use it and my visits to the dentist have improved dramatically!)

If you start using fluoride toothpaste such as Sensodyne and fluoride mouthwash, you’ll notice a big improvement in your teeth and gums. The sensitivity will begin going away, giving you almost immediate relief. When you brush, make sure you brush gently, and avoid using any type of force, as it will always cause your gums to recede again.
Cure Tooth Decay: Heal And Prevent Cavities With Nutrition - Limit And Avoid Dental Surgery and Fluoride

How to Meditate

Do you want to learn how to meditate? Meditation refers to a state where your body and mind are consciously relaxed and focused. Those who practice this art report increased awareness, focus, and concentration, as well as a more positive outlook in life. You don’t have to be a monk or mystic to enjoy its benefits nor do you need to be in a special place to practice it.

Although there are many different approaches to meditation, the fundamental principles remain the same. The most important among these principles is that of removing obstructive, negative, and wandering thoughts and fantasies, and calming the mind with a deep sense of focus. This clears the mind of debris and prepares it for a higher quality of activity.

The negative thoughts you have, those of noisy neighbors, bossy officemates, and the stress of not enough money to pay your bills, are said to contribute to the ‘polluting’ of the mind, and shutting them out allows for the cleansing of the mind so that it may focus on deeper, more meaningful thoughts.

Some practitioners shut out all sensory input, no sights, no sounds, and nothing to touch, and try to detach themselves from everything around them. You now focus on a deep, profound thought. It may seem deafening at first, since we are all accustomed to being constantly bombarded by external stimuli, but as you continue to practice, you will find yourself becoming more aware of everything around you.

Do not worry about the position you are in. You must be in a position that is as comfortable as possible. This makes it more conducive to concentration. You can sit, stand, lie down or walk. The back should be straight, but not tense or tight. In other positions, the only no-no is slouching and falling asleep. Loose, comfortable clothes help since tight fitting clothes have a tendency to make you feel tense.

The place you meditate should have a soothing atmosphere. It may be in your living room, or bedroom, or any place that you feel comfortable in. You might want an exercise mat if you plan to take on the more challenging positions and you may want to have the place arranged so that it is soothing to your senses.

Silence helps most people relax and meditate, so you may want a quiet, isolated area far from the ringing of the phone or the humming of the washing machine. Pleasing scents also help, so stocking up on aromatic candles isn’t such a bad idea either.

The monks you see on television making those monotonous sounds are actually performing their mantra. This, in simple terms, is a simple sound that, for these practitioners, holds a mystic value. You do not need to perform this, however, you should note that focusing on repeated actions such as breathing, and humming help the practitioner enter a higher state of consciousness.

The principle here is focus. You could also try focusing on a certain object or thought, or even, while keeping your eyes open, focus on a single sight. Something to try while in a meditative state, silently name every part of your body and focus your consciousness on that part. While doing this you should be aware of any tension in any part of your body. Mentally visualize releasing this tension. It works wonders. Studies have shown that meditation does bring about beneficial physiologic effects to the body and mind.
How to Meditate, Third Edition: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Art and Science of Meditation

Health and Aging

If you want to increase your chances of living a longer, disease-free life, you must start working to take care of yourself now. Taking care of yourself now will help reduce your chances of developing diseases later on. Stopping the clock is impossible so learn how to stay healthy and take care of yourself.

Start out by taking your multivitamins. Taking vitamins is one of the most important things you can do. Vitamins provide your body with repair tools. They lessen the dangers and the risk of developing some of the chronic diseases that you can acquire as you age.

Diet alone doesn’t normally give a person all the vitamins that they need. In fact, many people in the world suffer malnutrition despite the fact that they eat three meals per day. People eat too much fast food, go on fad diets, and eat processed foods that harm the body. This builds stress in the body that causes loss of vitamins.

Maybe you’re a person who eats many processed foods because of your busy life style and there is just no time to cook the right meals. You could be one that stops off at a fast food place to eat three or four times a week before going to work or home from work because you are just too tired to fix supper.

Remember, eating all that fast food isn’t good for the digestive system and all that fat is very unhealthy. Take time to fix a well-balanced meal and sit down to enjoy it with your family. Doing this will cut down on the calorie intake and help to relieve stress.

Stop worrying about everyone else. Take time out for you. Stress is bad for your heart, which affects your blood pressure and nervous system. Stress can cause many things, even increasing the chances for obesity. The world is turning at such a fast pace that there is never time to take care of us, so start now.

Try doing a little exercise to stay healthy as you age. Every little bit of exercise you do is better than none at all. An average person should exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Walking is a great exercise. It helps you keep those muscles more flexible and stronger.

Happiness is another way to stay healthy as you age. If you are not happy, find out why, and turn it around. Being happy is a good way to keep the stress away. Don’t let yourself get depressed. It will age you quicker and can cause you to become very sick.

There is no way you can stop aging but you can slow it down by staying in good health. Keep yourself happy, do those exercises and take those vitamins. Staying active helps keeps the stress level down, keeps you stronger, and most importantly, makes you feel better.
Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Well-Being

Living with Arthritis

Arthritis can be painful and limiting. Many people experience it in one form or another. There are several treatments including medications, exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes. Even sleeping habits and mood changes can affect arthritis. There is no direct correlation between how severe your arthritis is and how much pain you feel. So how do people deal with this disease?

There are several ways to lessen how much pain you have when your arthritis acts up. Some are preventative. One way is to lose weight. Extra pounds add stress to your joints. Eat a healthy diet. Not only will that help you keep those extra pounds off, but there are certain vitamins that specifically help arthritis. Vitamin C repairs tissue, vitamin D absorbs calcium, builds bone mass, and prevents bone loss, and calcium strengthens your bones.

Moderate exercising strengthens your joints and increases flexibility and stability. Those with rheumatoid arthritis need to refrain from exercising during flare ups. You should only exercise to the point where you feel mild discomfort. You should not feel pain. Get plenty of sleep. Patients with arthritis should get 8 to 10 hours of sleep.

When your arthritis does flare up there are different treatments to help with the pain and inflammation. One common treatment is use of medication. Certain types of medications can have serious side effects, so you need to weigh the pros and cons with your doctor. Ice packs can help with swelling and inflammation, but people with circulatory problems should avoid this. You can also use a heating pad or take a hot bath or shower. Patients with arthritis may sometimes use splints, braces, canes, or walkers for stability.

There are adjustments you can make in your home to ease your arthritis too. A “grabber” can help you get a can out of the cupboard or pick up laundry off the floor. Replace faucet handles that twist and round door knobs with levered handles. Don’t overdo it. Tiring yourself out can especially provoke flare ups for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Take breaks and don’t feel like you have to do everything in one day.

If you are in a situation where you don’t move around a lot, it could affect your arthritis. Sitting at a computer desk for 8 hours a day can stiffen you up. Be sure to take a break to move around and do stretches. If available, use a trackball instead of a mouse and a split keyboard. If you have the right software you can use “macros” to store frequently used words and phrases. This will save on your typing. Again, take it easy. You don’t want your arthritis to flare up from overextending yourself.

There are many things you can do to prevent or lessen an arthritis flare up. It is important to do your part. It is equally as important to check back with your doctor for advice as well. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and check with your local Arthritis Foundation to see what resources are available to you.
The Arthritis Cure, Revised and Updated: The Medical Miracle That Can Halt, Reverse, And May Even Cure Osteoarthritis

Healthy Eating Guidelines

Are you eating a nutritious diet? Do you know what foods and nutrients your body needs? A healthy diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free milk and low-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. It should be low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and sugars.

What minerals and nutrients are vital to your health? The healthy eating guidelines below will help you improve your vitamin and mineral intake.

VITAMIN A is needed for good eyesight and optimal functioning of the immune system. Low-fat dairy products, sweet potatoes and dark green leafy vegetables are good natural food sources of vitamin A.

VITAMIN B1, known as thiamin, is essential to the body’s ability to process carbohydrates. Whole grain breads, cereals and pastas have high amounts of thiamin.

RIBOFLAVIN, or B2, is found in fortified cereals, almonds, asparagus, eggs, and meat. It’s used in many body processes, including converting food into energy and the production of red blood cells.

NIACIN, or B3, is found in lean chicken, tuna, salmon, turkey, enriched flour, peanuts, and fortified cereals. It aids in digestion and also plays a key role in converting food into energy.

VITAMIN B6 is found in fortified cereals, fortified soy-based meat substitutes, baked potatoes with skin, bananas, light-meat chicken and turkey, eggs, and spinach. It’s vital for a healthy nervous system, and helps break down proteins and stored sugars.

VITAMIN B12 is found in beef, clams, crabs, salmon, poultry, and soybeans and is necessary for creating red blood cells.

VITAMIN C is found in citrus fruits, red berries, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, red and green bell peppers, cabbage, and spinach. Vitamin C is vital in promoting a healthy immune system and making chemical messengers in the brain.

VITAMIN D is found in fortified milk, cheese, egg yolks, and salmon, but is also made by the body from sunlight exposure. It’s needed to process calcium and maintain healthy bones and teeth.

VITAMIN E functions as an antioxidant and is essential to your skin’s good health. Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables, almonds, hazelnuts, and vegetable oils like sunflower, canola, and soybean.

FOLIC ACID is found in fortified cereals and grain products, lima, lentil, and garbanzo beans, and dark leafy vegetables. It’s vital for cell development, prevents birth defects, promotes heart health, and helps red blood cells form.

CALCIUM is found in dairy products, broccoli, dark leafy greens like spinach and rhubarb, and fortified products, such as orange juice, soy milk, and tofu. Like vitamin D, it’s very important in helping to build and maintain strong bones and teeth.

COPPER is found in organ meats, oysters, clams, crabs, cashews, sunflower seeds, wheat bran cereals, whole-grain products, and cocoa products. Copper aids in metabolism of iron and red cell formation. It also assists in the production of energy for cells.

IRON can be found in leafy green vegetables, beans, shellfish, red meat, poultry, soy foods, and some fortified foods. It’s needed to transport oxygen to all parts of the body via the red blood cells.

POTASSIUM can be found in foods like Broccoli, potatoes (with the skins on), prune juice, orange juice, leafy green vegetables, bananas, raisins, and tomatoes. It aids in nervous system and muscle function and also helps maintain a healthy balance of water in the blood and body tissues.

ZINC is found in red meat, fortified cereals, oysters, almonds, peanuts, chickpeas, soy foods, and dairy products. Zinc supports the body’s immune function, reproduction capabilities, and the nervous systems.

PROTEIN is found in meat, beans, and milk. It is the main component of muscles, organs, and glands. Every living cell and all body fluids, except bile and urine, contain protein. The cells of muscles, tendons, and ligaments are maintained with protein. Children and adolescents require protein for growth and development, and adults need it to maintain cell integrity.

COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES are found in whole grain breads and cereals, legumes, and starchy vegetables are all good complex carbohydrate sources. The primary function of carbohydrates is to provide energy for the body, especially the brain and the nervous system. Complex carbohydrates are the best choice for a stable blood sugar level.

ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS are found in fish and shellfish, flaxseed, canola oil, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, leafy vegetables, and walnuts. They play a part in many metabolic processes.
Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Fifth Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements


Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that grows at a very fast rate after it has been diagnosed. In nearly 80% of cases, the cause of mesothelioma is from inhaling loose asbestos particles suspended in the air for a very long time. Generally, The symptoms don’t appear soon after the asbestos particles have been inhaled, but are accumulated in the lungs over a long period of time, taking decades to react in the body.

Survival rates for those diagnosed with mesothelioma have always been very bleak. However, this negative outlook is beginning to change. Doctors and cancer specialists are constantly working towards the development of a cure and instilling mesothelioma hope in patients. During this search to find a cure for mesothelioma, there are stories of survival that renew hope and determination.

There are three types of mesothelioma but the symptoms of the diseases depend on their kinds. The symptoms vary but the general symptoms that are found in patients suffering from different types of mesothelioma are weight loss, chest pain, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, plain cough and cough with blood.

Diagnosing mesothelioma in its initial stages is not possible because symptoms surface very late and these symptoms do not indicate a particular disease because they are common for other normal lung diseases. Most of the symptoms arise in the lungs, where the mesothelial cells covering the lungs and the cavity between them are affected due to prolonged inhalation of asbestos fibers.

The main symptom of mesothelioma is a constant pain in the chest, followed by shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing due to accumulation of fluid in the chest. Other symptoms of the disease include abnormalities in the lungs that can be diagnosed under proper supervision of a doctor with a chest CT-scan.

Basically, the disease of mesothelioma advances in four stages. The first stage begins the formation of the tumor in the area of lining of the lung. In the second stage, the tumor extends to other organs in the chest cavity, such as the heart. In the third stage, it extends to, and affects all the other organs. Finally, in the last stage the tumor extends to all parts of the body.

While a cure does not currently exist, intensive treatment can increase the duration of a patient's survival and alleviate some of the pain and suffering associated with mesothelioma. Patients typically undergo a combination of treatments. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are the most widely used treatments. Alternative therapies such as massage are often administered to aid in pain relief.

Many patients participate in clinical trials as a way of building hope. Clinical trials are conducted to test up-and-coming treatments and medications before they are released to the public as a safe and effective way to treat an illness. To participate in a clinical trial, a patient must first qualify for the study and meet specific qualifications.

Clinical trials are imperative in the search for a mesothelioma cure. As results and information are gathered from a study, the knowledge gained helps medical professionals come closer to the discovery of a cure. Each successful clinical trial renews mesothelioma hope for all patients around the world.
Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma

Acidic and Alkaline

Your body needs to maintain a balance of pH in the foods you eat. What is the body's pH? The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a food is - the ratio between positively charged ions (acid-forming) and negatively charged ions (alkaline-forming.)

The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen rich the fluid is. The lower the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.35 - 7.45). If it is below or above this range, cells stop functioning and the body dies. The body therefore continually strives to balance pH. When this balance is compromised disease occurs.

A diet high in acid-producing foods such as animal protein, sugar, caffeine, and processed foods puts extra pressure on the body's regulating systems to maintain pH neutrality. This depletes the body of alkaline minerals making the person prone to chronic and degenerative disease. The minerals are borrowed from vital organs and bones to buffer (neutralize) the acid and safely remove it from the body. Because of this strain, the body suffers severe and prolonged damage.

The majority of the populace in industrialized nations suffers from problems caused by acidosis, because the modern lifestyle and diet promote acidification of the body. The current typical Western diet is largely composed of acid-forming foods (proteins, cereals, sugars) and stimulants like tobacco, coffee, tea, and alcohol that are also extremely acidifying. Unfortunately, alkaline-producing foods like fruits and vegetables are eaten in much smaller quantities.


Unless the body's pH level is slightly alkaline, the body cannot heal itself. Your body pH affects everything. An acidic pH decreases the body's ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients, decreases it's ability to repair damaged cells, decreases it's ability to detoxify heavy metals, allows tumor cells to thrive, and makes it more susceptible to fatigue and disease. The vast majority of bodily systems cannot run at full capacity.

An acidic pH occurs from an acid-forming diet, stress, toxic overload, or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other nutrients. The body will try to compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline minerals. If the diet does not contain enough minerals to compensate, a build up of acids in the cells will occur. Acidosis can cause:

*Heart disease
*Immune deficiency
*Weight gain & obesity
*Kidney stones
*Chronic fatigue
*Osteoporosis & joint pain
*Premature aging
*Yeast & fungal overgrowth
*Loose & painful teeth
*Accelerates free radical damage


It is important that your daily dietary intake of food naturally acts to balance your body pH. To maintain health, the diet should consist of at least 60% alkaline forming foods and at most 40% acid forming foods. To restore health, the diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods. Avoid processed, sugary or simple-carbohydrate foods, not only because they are acid-producing but also because they raise blood sugar level too quickly and are toxic and nutrient-lacking

The most important difference between acid and alkaline foods is their relationship to cancer. Cancerous tissues are acidic and healthy tissues are alkaline. When oxygen enters an acidic solution it helps to neutralize the acid, but acid prevents oxygen from reaching tissues where it is needed. When oxygen enters an alkaline solution, the oxygen is free to go to the next cell and bring the benefits of oxygen to all of the tissue in the body. At a pH of 7.35 - 7.45, cancer cells become dormant.
The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health

Remove Warts

There are home remedies for treating many health conditions. Home remedies have been around since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, most people today believe they are a waste of time and have no value. If properly done, however, there a number of health conditions that can be treated with home remedies. One of these conditions is warts.

Warts are growths that appear on the skin. These growths are, almost always non-cancerous. If you are looking for an effective, but low-cost way to have your warts removed, you may want to think about trying a home remedy. If you are interested in getting started, a few popular wart removal home remedies are described below.

*The most popular home remedy used to remove warts involves using duct tape. If you are interested in giving this home remedy a try, you will need to apply duct tape to your warts. After keeping the warts covered for about a week, you will then remove the tape, soak your wart in water, and scrub it with a pumice stone. If your wart does not come off right away, you should repeat the procedure.

*Another home remedy involves using aloe. Soak a small cotton ball in aloe, preferably the gel. After soaking for a minute or so, tape the cotton ball to your wart. Add aloe to the wart or piece of cotton every few hours. By leaving the cotton ball in place, with the exception of changing it daily, your wart should fall off within a couple of weeks.

*Caster oil is also considered an effective remedy to remove warts. Apply the oil to your wart then rub or massage the area with your fingers. After doing this twice a day for several weeks, your wart should disappear. You could also use caster oil by applying it directly to the wart, twice a day, and keep it covered. By keeping the wart covered with a bandage, only to remove it when changing, the wart should disappear after several weeks.

The home remedies mentioned above are just a few of the many that you can find online. It is also important to remember when using home remedies, that the results are not guaranteed. Because one home remedy works for someone else, does not mean it will work for you. However, with a wide variety of different home remedies to choose from, you are sure to find a successful remedy.
1801 Home Remedies

Stress Management

Many of us have too much stress in our lives. On a daily basis, we deal with jobs we don’t like, bills we can’t pay, families that are demanding, and/or a host of other problems and frustrations.

Too much stress can take a heavy toll on your body, not only mentally, but physically. You must learn how to reduce your stress level or you will increase your chances for suffering from a host of diseases and conditions.


Give yourself a break. Go visit your favorite coffee shop, take a quick brisk walk, read a magazine, or do anything to put your mind on something besides work. You need to do this in order to refresh and recharge. If you cannot actually step away from your job, take a few deep breaths, sit with your eyes closed for a few minutes, and visualize a peaceful, relaxing scene. This will help you be more productive and less stressed.

Learn how to delegate. You do not need to do everything at once and you do not need to do everything yourself. When you are feeling overwhelmed, ask for help. If you are on a tight deadline, being able to delegate tasks to others takes some of the worry away from you. It’s easier to check up on someone else than worrying yourself sick trying to do everything on your own.

One thing at a time, please.
Focus and put all your attention specifically on one task at one time. It does not help to feel panicky about the other undone or to-do tasks. Thinking about them only adds unnecessary stress and could even hamper you in completing the present task that you are attempting to accomplish.

Write everything down. You will find a things-to-do-list much easier to manage than having everything all jumbled up in your head. Writing down the tasks, and putting a specific schedule and time to do them, helps you manage better. Cross out activities as you finish them. This is very rewarding and helps you feel more relaxed.

Relax and slow down. Do not stress yourself over the small stuff, especially if you have no control over it. Concentrate on what you do have control over. Take care of the priorities first. This way you will not expend all of your energy on tasks that are not vitally important. By relaxing and slowing down, you will be healthier, happier and more productive.
The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)

Is Your Water Safe?

For the past several months, my husband and I have been working to become foster parents. (Not to mention, I am due with our second child in December) I know, I know, having a new baby is just not enough. :-)

Anyways, one of the steps we had to take was to get our water tested. I didn't think too much of it, and I assumed it would come back safe. So you can imagine how shocked and scared I was when our water test came back with 3x the legal limit of nitrates and high levels of chlorine and many other icky chemicals. Being pregnant and already having a two year old, I was incredibly scared for our health. Even though I thought I was doing everything else right for our health, I was missing a key part of it - the water we drink and bathe in.

It opened my eyes to another whole realm of the scary things we need to protect our health's from. Let me share some of the research I have done with you:

Chemicals that can be harmful to your health can actually turn up in the water your family drinks. Heavy metals, industrial pollutants, pesticides—these harmful contaminants can enter our water supplies and have the potential to create long-term health challenges.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the water we drink is responsible for up to 20% of lead exposure in humans. And an EPA report demonstrates that at least 13% of the nation’s water treatment systems have violated the Safe Drinking Water Act in each of the past five years.The water from your tap may look clean, but exactly how safe is it?

Not only is tap water contamination a big concern, but people are now realizing that even bottled water isn't as safe and pure as it's perceived to be.

Contamination has been directly linked with the increase in cancer rates over the past 100 years.

In particular, chlorine, chlorinated by-products and over 2,100 synthetic chemicals have been shown to be carcinogenic. It's said that people who drink chlorinated water have a 93% HIGHER chance of developing some sort of CANCER throughout their lifetime than those who don't consume it. And when synthetic chemicals react with chlorine, toxic by-products are made that are showing up in virtually all the breast tissue of women with breast cancer. Home filtration of tap water can prevent these toxic substances from being consumed.

I really recommend everyone have their water tested, just so you know what to fight against. Water makes up so much of our bodies, and we don't want it to be contaminated. It isn't that hard to make some positive changes in this area either. After learning all of this, I was so excited to see that my fav company for all my health needs - Shaklee has just come out with a NEW Get Clean Water System.

I have learned that the Get Clean Water is a super easy change to make in your house, inexpensive and really gives a peace of mind to this water issue. Oh, and I love how eco-friendly it is. Check this out:

-Get Clean Water is certified to reduce up to 99% lead (Brita and PUR are not)


-Each Get Clean Water filter is certified to handle 80 gallons—twice as much as leading brands

-FIRST EVER pitcher with refillable carbon- block filter system, which means there’s less plastic to throw away

-Each filter is made with a sustainable coconut shell carbon made with a zero-emissions process, which is better for the environment than traditional carbon production

-Each filter is capable of handling the equivalent amount of watercontained in 600 16.9 fl. oz. bottles of water, meaning that Get Clean Water can save you money while eliminating waste

-Costs only pennies a gallon for cleaner, healthier water

-ONLY automatic filter life meter that shows how many gallons have been filtered—no more guessing!

-outperforms other leading brands in many areas. Again, Brita and PUR water pitchers are not certified to reduce many harmful contaminants that can turn up in your water
(if you want more info, let me know)

You can learn more about this exciting new water system here! You will love it!

So, go get your water tested, look into the Get Clean Water, and wipe another worry off your mind as you drink up a glass of clean, safe water!

Have a great week!

Lose Weight Quickly

Many of us need to lose weight but do not know how to get started. The thought of putting limitations on the food we eat can be disheartening. However, keeping our bodies at a healthy weight by following a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle is our best defense against many diseases and conditions.

Losing weight can be overwhelming if you are not sure how to get started. If you are hesitant or apprehensive about beginning a diet, there ARE healthy and effective ways to get a quick jump-start on losing weight. Using the tips below will help you get started:

*ELIMINATE ALL SUGAR AND STARCH from your diet. This will probably be a huge adjustment for you to make. However, remember that any sugar the body does not use will get stored as fat.

Since the body always uses the most readily available source of energy first, which is sugar and starch, eliminating them from your diet forces your body to burn fat instead.

*DRINK WATER, lots of water. Try to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day, preferably spread out evenly throughout the day. Water forces your body to run more efficiently, flushes harmful toxins out of your body, speeds up your metabolism, and makes it easier to lose weight and burn fat.

*EAT BREAKFAST. Eating a healthy, protein-packed breakfast (This does NOT include donuts!) revs up your metabolism and gives your body the energy it needs to get through the morning.

*EAT SMALL MEALS EVERY 3-4 HOURS. Eating regularly throughout the day will keep your metabolism revved up and burning fat. It also prevents you from feeling hungry or deprived. Make sure you include protein in every meal.

*NEVER EAT BETWEEN MEALS, especially after 6:00 pm. If you absolutely must eat something, nibble on a piece of raw fruit, a low-fat yogurt, or a couple of raw vegetables.

*FIND A HOBBY. Take up a new hobby or activity that will keep your mind and/or body busy, preventing you from thinking about food all of the time. Read, take a long, leisurely walk, knit or crochet, paint, play outside with your kids. Use your imagination!

*EXERCISE EVERY DAY for at least 20 minutes. Aerobic exercises have the greatest fat-burning potential. The best examples are walking (the easiest), swimming, bicycling, skating, and jogging. If you diet without participating in any exercise, your weight loss will be much slower.

The reason that exercise is so important for you is because your metabolism may be slower than it used to be. The most effective and easiest way to overcome a sluggish metabolism is to increase the activity level of your body.

Once you lose some weight, you will become more motivated to continue your efforts in meeting your goal. However, your biggest challenge will be keeping it off and not reverting to previous eating habits. To be successful at losing weight and maintaining it, you must make changes to your lifestyle and be diligent at watching your eating and exercise habits.
Don't Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight

Low Fat Diet

If you are trying to find a healthy eating plan that will allow you to lose weight, you may want to try one that is low in fat and high in complex carbohydrates. What are the advantages to this eating plan?


*Fat is bad for your heart and other serious diseases, like cancer.
*Fat contains more than twice the calories of other foods.
*Fat is 7 times more easily converted to body fat than carbohydrates.
*Fat helps to destroy our taste for healthy food.

YES, we all need some fat (no more than about 25-30 percent of calories) but NONE of us need the amount or the type we commonly eat.


*Complex carbohydrates are less fattening, very healthy and less easily converted to body fat.
*Complex carbohydrates are a great source of energy.
*Our brain thrives on complex carbohydrates.

There are 3 basic types of carbohydrates:

1. Simple Carbohydrates - also called sugars
These are made up of simple molecules that are quickly and easily digested into the bloodstream. The sudden surge of energy they produce can be very upsetting for our system.


Foods high in simple carbohydrates:
Table-sugar, syrups, preserves, jellies and jams, ordinary sodas, soft drinks, sweets, candies, and cakes.

Food ingredients high in simple carbohydrates:
Dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose, fruit juice concentrate, and glucose syrup.

2. Complex carbohydrates - These are made up of complex molecules, so it takes longer for our body to absorb and digest them. Result? We stay full for longer and our system is not upset.

Foods high in complex carbohydrates:
Whole wheat or whole grain bread, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, oats, and most vegetables and fruits.

3. Very complex carbohydrates - also known as Fiber (beans & legumes)
This type of carbohydrate is SO complex that we cannot digest it at all!

Nevertheless, it provides bulk that keeps us feeling full and it has significant health benefits. It helps lower cholesterol, reduces the risk of diabetes and helps combat certain cancers.

Complex carbohydrates are essential ingredients in any healthy weight loss diet. This is why low carbohydrate diets are so UNHEALTHY.


*Eat less fat - especially animal fat.
Switch to lower fat options like: low fat dairy food, low-fat cheese, and fat-free dressings. Switch to fish, turkey and chicken instead of beef, lamb, and pork. Use less fat when cooking and add less fat (mayo, butter) to your plate.

*Eat more complex carbohydrates.
Sweet potatoes, whole grain or whole wheat bread, oats, whole grain cereals, brown rice, whole grain pasta; check labels. Make sure the ingredients list whole grains or whole wheat.

*Eat less sugar and sugary foods.
Table sugar, soft drinks, cookies, candy. Switch to lower-sugar options; drink lots of water and fruit juices rather than sodas.

*Eat more fruits, vegetables and salad.
Make these foods a MAJOR part of your diet.

*Eat more fiber.
Eat more beans and legumes for extra fiber.

Why a low fat diet is a good choice:

*It is easy to follow.
*It is filling.
*It is healthy.
*It is good for slow, steady weight loss.
*It is used by successful dieters.
American Heart Association Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Cookbook, 4th edition: Delicious Recipes to Help Lower Your Cholesterol

Hoodia Gordonii

Authentic Hoodia is a rare botanical that grows exclusively in South Africa. There are several compounds in Hoodia that help suppress appetite by tricking the brain into thinking you are full, making it a potential weight-loss tool.

Unfortunately, there are hundreds of supplements and pills that claim to help you lose weight with Hoodia when, in fact, their product is not pure Hoodia at all. Before you purchase the product, make sure it contains 100% authentic South African Hoodia Gordonii.


Hoodia gordonii is also called hoodia, xhooba, khoba, hoodia cactus, and South African desert cactus. Hoodia is a cactus-like plant that has the ability to suppress appetite and promote weight loss. Hoodia is sold in capsule, liquid extract, or spray.

Hoodia Gordonii is found in the semi-deserts of South Africa. When the pale purple flowers appear, (It takes 5 years.) the cactus can be harvested. There are many types of Hoodia, but only the Hoodia Gordonii contains the natural appetite suppressant.

Pure Hoodia Gordonii contains a molecule that sends a message to the brain telling it that enough food has been eaten. The result is suppression of the appetite. Not only does your body think it has eaten enough food but it stops the brain from having thoughts about food.


Hoodia liquid extracts have increased biochemical potency over pills and are more absorbable than pills as you do not need to digest them. Since liquid extract absorbs almost immediately, you can lessen food cravings more quickly resulting in faster weight loss.


When you take pure Hoodia, you will experience the following:

*Eat less food at mealtimes

*Lose your food cravings between meals

*Lose your desire to eat and your obsession with food

*Lose weight without feeling hungry or deprived

Remember, before you use your hard-earned money to purchase any Hoodia product, make sure it make sure it contains 100% authentic South African Hoodia Gordonii.


As a general precaution, people with liver disease should first consult with their doctor as Hoodia supplements could increase the stress levels on their liver.

Hoodia may interact with other medications a person is taking. Check with your doctor before taking it as Hoodia's effectiveness could be influenced by its combination with other supplements or drugs.

People with diabetes should be cautious about using Hoodia. Since it works by tricking the brain into thinking that it has enough blood sugar, it's possible that a person's blood sugar could drop too low.

Hoodia is believed to suppress not only appetite but thirst. Make sure you drink plenty of water or you may become dehydrated.

Being Active

Being active does not mean you have to visit the fitness club and walk on the treadmill for an hour or wear yourself out in an aerobics class. You do not have to suffer from sore muscles or try to stick to an impossible exercise regimen in order to be healthy and maintain physical fitness. You can find ways to incorporate physical movement into nearly everything you do.


*If you have children, find activities that the whole family can enjoy. Being active is much more fun if you can involve the whole family. Try hiking, biking, basketball, roller-skating, or walking through the zoo.

*Spend some quality time with your children by playing outside with them. Play on the swing-set, play ball, jump rope, or race them to the corner! Include them in activities like washing the car or walking the dog.

*Instead of taking the kids out to dinner and/or a movie, go to the local swimming pool or park. The whole idea is to focus on fun, not boring exercise.

*If you are on vacation or spending a day at the lake, instead of stretching out on the beach and reading a book, take a swim, rent a boat, or go water skiing. Run through the sand.

*Turn off your TV. Replace your TV time with an enjoyable walk, play with your kids, or work in your garden. Gardening is excellent exercise and provides a terrific range of movements for your body.

*When you do watch TV, hide the remote and change the channels by hand. Can you even remember when you actually walked over the TV set to change the channels?

*Learn how to play a sport like tennis or golf or take dancing lessons. Treat yourself to an exercise class. Take a friend.

*The next time you go shopping, park at the far end of the parking lot and walk, or better yet, park the car a few blocks away. If your destination is close to home, forget the car and walk. NEVER use drive-thru windows.

*Whenever you are in a building that uses elevators, take the stairs instead. Walk as quickly as you can. Stair climbing is a wonderful strengthening exercise for your legs.

*Instead of sitting down and taking a coffee break at break time, take a few trips walking up and down the stairs, or up and down the hall ways in your office building. You can sit down at your desk after your break.

*When you finish shopping at the grocery or the mall, carry your bags out to the car in the parking lot without using a cart. (Remember, your car is parked at the farthest end of the parking lot.)

*Put more vigor into your house-cleaning chores. Stretch out your arms and legs as much as you can when you dust those high places. When you vacuum, switch hands every so often to give both arms a workout and take long lunging steps to stretch out your legs.

*Get rid of the riding lawn mower. Use a push mower. When you mow, move at a quicker pace than usual. The extra exertion will give your heart a good workout.

*Rake your leaves the old fashioned way. Use a rake. If you have children, pile up the leaves and jump in. Rake them up again!

As you can see, there are many ways to incorporate movement into your everyday life. Try to see how creative you can be. The rewards will be a healthier, happier you.
365 Activities for Fitness, Food, and Fun for the Whole Family

Cancer Fighting Foods

Did you know it is possible to reduce your risk for diseases like heart disease and cancer by changing your diet? A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fiber, all nutrient-rich, cancer-fighting foods, can significantly decrease your risk for developing certain types of cancer.

Antioxidants are phytochemicals that protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals. Foods rich in phytochemicals are found in beans and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and kale. Cruciferous vegetables help reduce the risk of colon and rectal cancer because they are very high in fiber.

Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, romaine, and collard greens are packed with antioxidants, fiber, lutein, and carotenoids, all cancer-fighting substances. Carrots are also a wonderful source of fiber and beta carotene and they have about three times the daily requirement of vitamin A.

Tomatoes are one of the strongest cancer-fighting foods. Not only do tomatoes contain lycopene, the antioxidant phytochemical that also helps prevent heart disease, they are also a good source of vitamins A, C, and E, antioxidants that fight cancer-causing free radicals.

Melons like cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew are also full of antioxidants and contain most of your daily vitamin C requirement. Watermelon is also a great source of vitamin A and, like tomatoes, contains lycopene.


*Substitute beans for meat. They are high in fiber and protein.

*Make your own pizza and add lots of fresh vegetables.

*Use fresh or canned fruit as a topping for cottage cheese or desserts.

*Instead of soda pop, make your own smoothies, vegetable and fruit juices.

*Add grapes or pineapple to chicken or tuna salad.

*Eat lettuce that has the darkest green or red leaves.

*Instead of chips, snack on cut-up fresh vegetables. Serve with hummus or light dips.

*Serve pasta dishes with tomato sauce and vegetables instead of heavy sauces.
Nature's Cancer Fighting Foods

Diabetes and Exercise

There are two types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. Type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed in older adults and occurs as the body stops producing enough insulin. Type 1, known as adolescent diabetes, differs from Type 2 in that the body stops producing insulin completely.

In both types of diabetes, your body loses its ability to adequately utilize sugar. The blood sugar levels increase due to the body's difficulty in transporting sugar into the cells and out of the blood stream. There are several ways to lower your blood sugar levels, including diet, exercise, and medication.


Exercise is a very important part of diabetic management for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. If you have Type 1 diabetes, you will find that regular exercise helps to maintain insulin sensitivity, helps prevent the accumulation of excess weight, and increases the use of glucose by muscles. Although there is really no way to prevent Type 1 diabetes, it is possible to reduce your risk for Type 2 diabetes.

Exercise not only helps with diabetic management by lowering blood sugar levels and maintaining insulin sensitivity, it also helps minimize several of the complications that can occur in diabetes. Research has shown that walking 30 minutes every day can reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Most diabetics develop circulatory problems resulting in poor blood flow to the extremities. Exercise can help lower blood pressure and improve circulation throughout the body. Exercise can also help to prevent and minimize heart problems, a common diabetic complication.


Even though there are risks associated with exercise, the benefits outweigh the risks. Since exercise lowers blood sugar levels, diabetics should measure their blood sugar both before and after they exercise. Since your body uses more sugar while you exercise and makes you more sensitive to insulin, there is a risk of blood sugar becoming too low and causing hypoglycemia.

It is a good idea to exercise with someone else or be sure you are around other people. That way someone will be around in case something goes wrong. That person should know that you are diabetic and know what to do in case of hypoglycemia. Always carry a candy bar or fruit juice with you to treat low blood sugar if it occurs.

During and after exercise, you should pay very close attention to how you feel. If you experience rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, shakiness, or hunger, this can signal that your blood sugar levels are getting too low.

If you are diabetic, consider adding exercise as part of your daily routine. Always exercise at a slow pace and never overdo it. Being diabetic does not have to hinder your lifestyle. Exercise can improve your health and get your life back on track.
The 7 Step Diabetes Fitness Plan: Living Well and Being Fit with Diabetes, No Matter Your Weight (Marlowe Diabetes Library)

Asthma and Exercise

If you suffer from asthma and exercise is something you think you cannot participate in safely, you are wrong. Contrary to what you may think, there are ways that you can get in shape and exercise, even if you suffer from asthma.

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that is marked by coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asthma tends to occur with people who are genetically or environmentally pre-disposed to the condition.

Some of the triggers that may start or make an attack worse include exposure to allergens, viral respiratory infections, airway irritants, exercise, and exposure to things such as dust mites or cockroaches.


*Bathe your pets weekly.
*Be proactive and know your triggers and how you should avoid them.
*Don't smoke or permit smoking in your home.
*Stay inside with air conditioning when mold or pollen counts are high.
*Wash your bedding at least once per week in hot water.
*Wash your hands every chance you get.
*Wear a scarf over your mouth and nose in the winter months.

What exercises can you do and what safeguards do you need to take when you have asthma? You have to be smart about how you exercise and take special precautions to avoid attacks. The best way to prevent attacks during exercise is to keep your inhaler and medication close by.

You should never use the inhaler more than 3 times during an exercise session. If you were up the previous night with coughing and wheezing, it's best to go light with your exercise the next day.

For something known as IEA (Exercise Induced Asthma), the symptoms are different in that they appear after 6 - 10 minutes of exercise and will often be worse in cold or dry air. If you have IEA, there are several activities that you can enjoy such as swimming, walking, biking,and team-based sports. There are many activities for you to choose from to ensure you get the exercise you need and want.

Remember, you are the only one who can reduce the risk for your asthma attacks. Always be smart, take your medication, and be proactive. Don't let it ruin your life and your chances for enjoying some sort of regular activity. You can enjoy exercise just like everyone else.
The Ultimate Breathing Workout (Revised Edition)

Diet for Acne

Since the skin is the largest organ on the body and it supports other internal organs with eliminating waste, one of the best natural acne treatments is a healthy and nutritious diet. If you are unhealthy inside it will be reflected in your skin. The old adage, “you are what you eat”, is absolutely true.

Acne occurs when the natural oils that the skin creates clog the pores of the skin. Normally, acne is most common when puberty starts and continues into the teenage years when the body is at its busiest producing hormones. It can also afflict adults, especially women, generally caused by hormonal changes and stress. Since acne is a problem for people worldwide, there are many forms of acne treatments and acne products on the market.

I had severe acne when I was a teenager. I tried everything. None of the over-the-counter acne products worked. They only dried out my skin. In desperation, I changed my diet of junk food and sodas to healthy, nutritious foods and drank lots of water. My breakouts occurred less and were less severe. It was the best treatment that ever worked for me.

The best anti-acne diet starts with lots and lots of water. Water is very effective at eliminating toxins from the body and delivering essential nutrients. Water alone does not remove acne but when large quantities are taken internally on a daily basis, it greatly aids the skin in healing itself and remaining healthy.

The foods you eat should be based on whole, unprocessed foods. Try to eat at least five servings of vegetables per day and at least three servings of fruit or fruit juice, preferably unsweetened or naturally sweetened. (Hint: To make vegetables more palatable but still healthy, season them with spices and/or lemon juice. Never use butter, sour cream, or large amounts of salt.)

Red meat, refined sugar, white flour, strong coffee, candy and ice cream should be avoided. Fried foods and high trans-fat products like margarine and shortening should be eliminated. ALWAYS read food labels.

Some people find that chocolate, carbonated beverages, iodized salt, shellfish, wheat and/or milk products can aggravate acne. If changing your diet does not effectively help your acne, seek the assistance of a dermatologist. He/she can offer advice and additional options for treating your acne.
The Clear Skin Diet