When you are at peace with yourself, you have a calm, steady feeling of contentment and satisfaction. In spite of whatever problems or unpleasantness you may have experienced or are currently facing, you are glad to be alive and know that you are where you need to be.
If you do not feel at peace with yourself for whatever reason(s), you can change that. You do not need to be stuck with feelings of discouragement, despair, anger, resentment, or sadness. You, and only you, are responsible for your own happiness; not your spouse, children, boss, or friends.
You are in charge of your emotional and mental destiny. Finding peace is all about learning how to undo the negative feelings to find long-term peace and contentment.
*Accept yourself. When you accept yourself as you are with all of your weaknesses, strengths, skills and talents, you will create a feeling of peace within yourself.
*NEVER judge yourself. You will always come up short because you will always be too hard on yourself. No one is perfect!
*Be active. The more you move your body, the more feel-good endorphins you release. You will feel better mentally, emotionally and physically. Take a walk every day.
*Be grateful. List everything in your life you are thankful for. As you practice gratitude, you will find that your thoughts of love and abundance intensify your feelings of inner peace.
*Release the past. You cannot change the past. If past memories are painful for you, release those memories and forgive yourself and/or others. Otherwise, you can never move on with your life and move into inner healing and peace.
What makes YOU happy? What do YOU enjoy doing? What are YOU good at? Think of the activities that YOU enjoy the most, not your family or your friends. Ultimately, if you are not happy, then those who love you will not be happy either because they see your pain and sadness.
Allow yourself the freedom to indulge in the things that give you pleasure. By giving yourself permission to engage in these activities, you are enhancing your feelings of satisfaction, achievement and success. You will raise your self-respect and your sense of worth.
As time goes on and you continue to participate daily in activities that you enjoy, the more confident you will feel about your life and the decisions you make. Your life will become more pleasant and satisfying. Your family will notice the changes in you and respond in kind.
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