Water is all the same, right? No. There is a huge difference in the types of water we drink. Because water has such profound health effects on your health, you must be selective about the type of water you choose to drink.
What is pure water? Well, to start with, tap water is not pure water. Pure water is high-quality bottled spring water or water filtered by a high quality water filter. Why pure water? It is essential that your water be pure water as tap water has impurities in it that can be harmful to your health.
One of the main problems with tap water is the chemicals that are used to purify it from pathogens. Most water sources use chemicals such as chlorine, and other chemicals that are very unhealthy. Also, most tap water originally comes from poor quality sources.
For example, some cities get their water from local rivers that are far from clean. Upstream cities sometimes dump (treated) sewage into the river and there can be farms that contribute agriculture chemicals into the mix. Most people would not eat fish caught in the river yet this is where much of our drinking water comes from.
Health Benefits of Drinking Pure Water
Overall improvement in health - Water is one of the most important things that your body needs to function. In fact your body is made up of mostly water. When you drink lots of pure water, your body functions better.
*Weight Loss - Research has found that individuals who drink plenty of water are more likely to lose weight than individuals who don't. One of the reasons for this is that without enough water to remove the toxins stored in your body fat, your body will not burn the fat, as it has nowhere to go with the toxins.
*Removal of Toxins - You may not realize it, but your body takes in many toxins each and every day. The food you eat, the air you breath, and the tap water you drink are all full of toxins. A plentiful supply of pure water helps your body to flush out and remove toxins from your liver, fat, joints, and other places they are stored.
*Improved Intestinal Health - When you drink plenty of water, your digestive system is able to run much more smoothly. Many health problems can be at least partially traced to your digestive tract, and the easiest, best way to increase your digestive health is to drink plenty of pure water.
*Improve your Immune Function - If you want to boost your immune system's ability to resist viruses and bacteria, one of the things you can do is to drink more water. Your immune system's job is to kill pathogens before they make you sick. Part of the immune system's job is also to remove these pathogens from your body. How does it do that? You guessed it! With water!
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