In the morning, you always find yourself rushing. You’re rushing to the shower, rushing through traffic, rushing to work. You may feel as if you don’t have time for breakfast, let alone a nutritious breakfast. You may just not be hungry at that time of day, or you believe that you need to lose weight, so you skip breakfast altogether. However, by eliminating breakfast, you’re not only jeopardizing your health—you will have a much more difficult time losing weight.
There are a number of good reasons to eat breakfast:
Ø Eating breakfast speeds up your metabolism, critical to weight loss. Think about it. You may eat dinner around 6 p.m. If you wait until lunch to eat again, 18 hours have passed. Breakfast is critical to your overall health and well-being.
Ø Skipping breakfast tends to make you overeat at lunch. Successful dieters eat breakfast. This probably seems counter-intuitive to you, the idea that you must eat food in order to lose weight.
Ø Breakfast aids your concentration. A number of studies demonstrate that breakfast improves one’s focus, helping him or her at work or at school.
Ø Breakfast is a proven mood elevator. This is quite important, since it is critical to remain positive when trying to lose weight. Anything that you can do to lift your spirits should be considered beneficial.
Ø Breakfast can enhance the efficiency of the body, making it easier for you to burn fat. This is true for both young and old, so make sure your children eat breakfast as well. A smoothly-running body is a healthy body and one that is more likely to become lean over time.
Ø Breakfast sets the pattern for the day. If you make healthy decisions at breakfast, you’re more likely to make the right decisions regarding the other meals of the day.
The type of breakfast you eat depends upon the diet you are pursuing. You might choose a high fiber meal, such as cereal, or a high protein meal, such as scrambled eggs and ham. Your breakfast should contain plenty of vitamins and minerals to help your body remain healthy throughout the day.
One thing you should avoid at breakfast is eating something high in sugar, such as a sugary breakfast cereal. While such a meal can lift your energy level temporarily, after a few hours, your energy level will drop again. While it is always better to eat something, you should be careful in the food choices you make at breakfast.
In order to work effectively, your body needs to eat regular meals. Some diets call for three meals a day; others rely on five or six smaller meals eaten more frequently. While breakfast may be your most important meal of the day it should not be your only meal of the day.
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