The stresses and strains of everyday life, especially during the holidays, can bring with it a variety of emotional health problems. These can include depression, anxiety, insomnia, and irritability.
Depression and Anxiety
We all become depressed at different times of our life, I certainly do. We let things and people get us down. We feel sorry for ourselves and think that the world is working against us.
We can also become very anxious about our future or current situation. Worrying never helps anything. It only makes things worse. You must learn and practice ways to relax your mind and body.
*Get out of your house and be with people. Volunteer at your local animal shelter, nursing home, hospital or soup kitchen. Volunteering can be a very humble and eye-opening experience making you realize just how fortunate you are.
*Call up a friend and go out to eat. Sometimes just sharing your feelings can help a great deal with lifting your mood.
* Listen to uplifting and happy music or watch a good comedy movie.
* Let go of your sadness by praying or meditating.
*Take a daily walk. Walking provides amazing health benefits for both your mind and your body.
You are getting exercise and working your heart and muscles. Because walking is an aerobic exercise, it releases “feel good” endorphins making you feel better all over.
*Get regular massages. A good massage will “unkink” your tight muscles and relax your mind and your body.
Having trouble with sleeping at night can happen for a number of reasons, the main one being stress. Other causes are snoring, an intake of too much caffeine, a noisy environment or depression.
*Cut down on your coffee intake. Never drink coffee after 3 p.m.
*Try reading before attempting to get to sleep. Reading helps get your mind off of your anxieties, relaxes your body and tires your eyes.
*Keep your bedroom as dark as possible. If you have a clock radio that has a bright time display, turn it toward the wall.
*If your mind works overtime when you go to bed, try taking long, deep breaths for a minute or two and picture each part of your body relaxing as you breathe. This can work wonders.
When people lose sleep or work too hard they can become overly tired and irritable. This can lead to anxiety and always feeling tired.
*You must set limits on the amount of hours you work per week. There is no compromise on this. Your health is far more important than trying to work a 60-hour a week job.
*If you are irritable due to the demands of your family, you must set boundaries for yourself and them. Sit them down and explain exactly what you can do and what you cannot do. They must step up and do their share so you can all work together as a unit.
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