You hear a lot about foods that are considered “superfoods” because they are so nutritious. The following 10 foods belong to this nutritional powerhouse list.
Though avocados contain more fat than almost any other fruit, it's virtually all monounsaturated fat whose many benefits include raising good cholesterol, lowering bad cholesterol and preventing heart disease. It's high in fiber, low in calories, and higher than bananas in the blood-pressure-reducing mineral potassium.
Beets contain a greater range of nutrients than almost any other fruit or vegetable. The antioxidants that give beets their deep red color fight off free radicals that attack the body's cells. Free radicals can lead to aging and many diseases including cancer. Compounds in beets can lower blood pressure and heart disease risk, and help cleanse the body of harmful chemicals present in processed foods, such as nitrates.
Berries are full of antioxidants, versatile and delicious. Strawberries should be eaten for potassium, raspberries for vitamin C, blueberries for fiber and blackberries for vitamin E.
Broccoli is rich in dozens of nutrients, packing the most nutritional punch of any vegetable. It has vitamin C, vitamin A (mostly as beta-carotene), folic acid, calcium, and is a rich source of fiber. Beta-carotene and vitamin C are important antioxidants that have been linked to a reduced risk of numerous conditions, including heart disease and several types of cancer. Half of its fiber is insoluble and half is soluble, helping to meet your body’s needs for both types of fiber.
As we are increasingly hearing about the health risks of consuming too much red meat, lentils are a near-perfect substitute: When mixed with rice or another grain, they form a complete protein with all the amino acids the body needs. Lentils have no cholesterol, virtually no fat, and high proportions of soluble and insoluble fibers that help manage blood sugar, lower cholesterol and aid digestion. They're also packed with vitamins and minerals, including iron.
Almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts and peanuts are full of heart-healthy fats that boost "good" cholesterol. Adding a few servings of nuts a week can dramatically reduce people's risk of cardiovascular disease. Some studies have found that regular nut consumption actually makes people less likely to gain weight.
Many Americans never have heard of this grain. Quinoa is very high in fiber, protein and minerals, and very low in calories and in fat. Studies have shown eating a daily bowl can lower rates of obesity, breast cancer, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.
Salmon is low in contaminants and high in the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil. Regularly consuming salmon can help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation; and the fish oil provides a brain-nourishing compound that can slow the mental decline associated with aging.
Spinach is full of anti-oxidants. It rids the body of free radicals and is packed with nutrients including calcium, vitamins A and K, and omega-3 fatty acids.
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