Have you noticed how many fad diets have come and gone in recent years? We’ve seen the soup diet; the grapefruit diet; the no carbs diet; the only carbs diet and so on. Are you putting your health at risk by following a fad diet? As a result of experimenting with the latest “food exclusion” diets, many people are actually cutting out entire food groups, leading to nutritional deficiencies that can seriously damage their health.
While it may seem that cutting out carbs is great for fast weight loss, there is a risk that it will trigger carbohydrate cravings. Have you ever experience carbohydrate deprivation? First you become edgy, then you start to crave carbs, especially the wrong sort of starchy crabs that are stored as fat. Many people simply give up and become compulsive, but those who hold out can suffer severe side effects including fatigue and anxiety.
The body’s main fuel source for energy comes from carbohydrates. Carbs also are the brain food used to fuel it’s function. Is it any wonder you crave high-carb, high-sugar snacks when studying hard, problem solving or using a computer? Health professionals advise that eliminating carbs from your diet is counter-productive. A much better strategy is giving your body the right type of carbs it requires.
There are two types of carbohydrates, simple and complex. The classification is based on the chemical structure and reflects how quickly sugar is digested and absorbed.
Simple carbohydrates require little digestion making them a quick energy source. Fruits, fruit juices and milk contain simple sugars (carbohydrates) that provide valuable nutrients in addition to an energy boost. Unrefined, natural simple carbohydrates are man's best friend when it comes to digestion, nutrients, and taste.
Refined simple carbs such as candies, donuts, white bread and cookies, are not only bad for your body, they have absolutely no nutrients. Unfortunately, over-consumption of highly refined carbohydrates has been associated with a higher incidence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even breast cancer. Eating refined carbs can, over time, result in almost uncontrollable sugar cravings.
Complex carbohydrates are found in grains, vegetables and legumes. They are starches and require more digestion than simple carbohydrates. Rich in B-vitamins, fiber and iron, complex carbohydrates from grains are the body’s best source of energy because they are burned in a constant, time-released manner. They provide sustained energy. The fiber found in complex carbohydrates can help lower blood cholesterol.
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