Did you know that there are some foods that can not only improve your health but can actually reduce your risk for many diseases and conditions? Below is a list of a few of those foods.
Bananas are Mother Nature’s most perfect snack. They require no preparation, no washing, and no refrigeration and are prepackaged in a biodegradable wrapper. Bananas help build a shield against heart disease and are packed with potassium that helps fend off high blood pressure. The goodness of bananas battles cancer, heart diseases, kidney stones, premenstrual syndrome and strokes.
Barley is good for heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Its fiber content lowers cholesterol, while tocotrienol deactivates an enzyme that tells the liver how to produce artery-clogging cholesterol. Barley is a quick fix for constipation. One cup of cooked barley provides approx 14 grams of fiber to get the bowels moving.
Basil weakens the ulcer producing activity of aspirin and alcohol, fights inflammation and swelling and battles infection-causing bacteria. It also prevents colon cancer and helps build strong bones. Basil helps reduce bloating and flatulence. If you overindulged with alcohol, steep 2 tbsp of chopped fresh or dried basil leaves mixed in 1 cup of just boiling water for about 15 minutes. Strain and sip and feel the difference.
Beans are loaded with fiber and other nutrients that fight cancer and cholesterol. B vitamin folate reduces blood levels of amino acid involved in heart disease. People having type 2 diabetes benefit from the soluble fiber present in beans. It slows down the passage of carbohydrates from foods into the bloodstream. Beans control your appetite by taking up lots of room in your tummy.
Beets -1 cup of fresh beets provides 1/3 of your daily vitamin B folate requirement that keeps homocysteine in control so that it does not trigger a heart attack. The phytochemical that gives beets its deep red color is a cancer fighter. Beet juice curbs normal healthy cells from changing into cancer cells. Beets battle cancer, diabetes and heart disease and are a good source of fiber for good bowel function.
Bell Peppers – A red bell pepper has twice as much vitamin C as an orange. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant eating up free radicals that cause cell damage leading to heart disease and cancer. Vitamin C also bolsters your immune system. Lutein and zeaxanthin – two plant compounds in red bell peppers prevent age related macular degeneration (ARMD) that is responsible for sharp vision.
Blackberries are packed with catechin and epicatechin. These two compounds neutralize free radicals that damage cell’s genetic material and provoke cancer. Catechins lower cholesterol levels reducing the risk of heart disease. The quercetin in blackberries prevents bad cholesterol from causing damage to blood vessels and halts the production of a substance called histamine that makes allergy sufferers sneeze and wheeze. The fiber in blackberries prevents constipation and colon cancer.
Blueberries – The compounds in blueberries protect you from cancer, heart disease, and urinary tract infections. Blueberries help reverse short-term memory loss. Quick fixes for stomachache – reach for a few tablespoons of dried blueberries. Tannins in blueberries kick out the bacteria that iss responsible for urinary tract infections. Tannins prevent the germs from attaching to your bladder.
Broccoli – Broccoli is a fighter against cancer and other major health problems. Broccoli is comprised of vitamin A, C, K, fiber and compounds like Lutein and sulforaphane. It helps prevent prostate problems, cancer of the bladder and colon cancer. Broccoli also tackles health problems like heart disease and cataracts.
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